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The NYS Transition Partners develops family friendly informational resources to enable people with disabilities and their parents to better understand programs, services, needs and promote independence and self-advocacy.


​​Vocational Rehabilitation Services (ACCES-VR & NYS Commission for the Blind) -Young Adult and Parent Responsibilities
English   |   Spanish

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocation Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)

Finger Lakes  -  English  |  Spanish
New York City  -  English  |  Spanish
Western NY  -  English  |  Spanish

Assistive Technology for Transition-Aged Students with Disabilities

English  |  Spanish

New York State Commission for the Blind - Vocational Rehabilitation Services


Career Plan in New York State
  |  Spanish

College Accommodations for Students with Disability - Access

English  |  Spanish

Developmental Disabilities

English  |  Spanish

Disclosure in a Community Setting
English   |   Spanish

Graduation Chart
English   |   Spanish

What is the Front Door?
Finger Lakes  -  English   |   Spanish

New York City  -  English  |  Spanish

Western NY  -  English  |  Spanish

Guide to Finding Helpful Resources for NYS Families of Teens & Young Adults with Behavioral Health Challenges
English   |   Spanish


Housing Discrimination and Accommodations for People with Disabilities
English   |   Spanish


Independent Living Centers

Finger Lakes  -  English   |   Spanish

New York City  -  English  Spanish

Western NY  -  English  |  Spanish

Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)
English   |   Spanish


Key Terms for Self-Directed OPWDD Services

English  |  Spanish

Life Beyond High School for Students with Developmental Disabilities
English  |  Spanish

Making Transitions Stick

English  |  Spanish

Medicaid Service Coordination (MSC)
  |  Spanish

Navigating Adult Services
Finger Lakes  -  English   |   Spanish

New York City  -  English  |  Spanish

Western NY  -  English  |  Spanish


Parent Centers

Postsecondary Disclosure
English  |  Spanish

Preparing Your Child / Young Adult for Work
English  |  Spanish


Social Security Administration (SSA)

Soft Skills:  The "Other" Skills Needed to Get and Keep a Job!
English  |  Spanish


Steps to Obtaining Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

English  |  Spanish

Ten Transition Tips for Young People with Behavioral Health Challenges in NYS
English  |  Spanish

Transition Timeline
  |  Spanish

What is Work-Based Learning (WBL?)
English  | 

What the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Means for Young People with Disabilities in New York State
English  |  Spanish



Family Voices on Transition Experiences in NYS & Implication for Policy and Practice
English   |   Spanish


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