The NYS Transition Partners holds conferences in collaboration with other organizations and provide scholarships for families and young people to attend.

Engaging Parents and Family Members
June 2-3, 2020
Marriott - Wolf Rd., Albany, NY
About the Summit:
The NY Alliance Partners in Employment Summit looks to build the final steps of the bridges offering Community Providers innovative ideas, strategies, resources and tools to work with parents and other family members of youth approaching adulthood as they navigate their individualized career discovery and the future world of work.
Parents and other family members worry about their young adult’s future. Whether youth have disabilities or not, parents want to know what they can do to help their sons and daughters decide on a career, support their job hunting, and succeed in the workplace.
This event seeks to meet the needs of individual job seekers with disabilities by offering professional development opportunities for their entities that make up their circles of support – especially their families and the providers as valued partners.
This year’s Partners in Employment Summit works again with the NYS Transition Partners, a 6 year project which seeks to help young adults with disabilities and their families, especially in underserved communities, to access and navigate vocational rehabilitation and other public systems that can help with financial stability, meaningful employment, and postsecondary education in New York State.
Sessions will offer information to educate parent and family leaders together with the statewide network of community providers offering career discovery, job coaching and employment supports to people with disabilities.
More information including an agenda and registration information will be available soon. Mark your calendar and plan to join us in June! For questions, please contact Pat Dowse at pdowse@nyalliance.org.