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Guide to Finding Helpful Resources for NYS Families of Teens and Young Adults with Behavioral Health Challenges

  1. Find Office of Mental Health resources:

  2. Educate yourself about substance use disorder and the types of care available:

  3. Learn about transition resources in NYS

  4. Find family support and resources

  5. Find help for young adults with serious behavioral health issues and psychiatric disabilities

    • Intensive and coordinated mental health services are provided through New York State’s Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPOA) program for eligible children to age 21 and a Single Point of Access (SPOA) program for eligible people over 21. This document lists all the SPOA agencies and contacts in the State

    • Your clinician must be involved and help with the application process. Your young adult must have a Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) and additional risk factors. The application can be found here

    • Recipients can access residential, case management, and Assertive Community Treatment (AOT) services through the SPOA application, and employment supports and peer advocacy services are being added for youth. Contact your local mental health department for more information

  6. Find self-advocacy resources for teens and young adults

    • Youth Power! is an organization for people ages 12-29 who live in New York State and have been labeled with a mental health or substance abuse disorder

    • Youth Power Toolkit

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