College Accommodations
for Students with Disabilities
Here are examples of accommodations that may be available at your college. Please check with their accessibility office or vocational rehabilitation counselor to determine which accommodations may be best for you.
No penalties for spelling errors on papers or exams
Course substitutions for certain required or prerequisite courses
Extended time on assessments (quizzes, midterms, and final exams)
Testing in an alternative location
Breaks during exams
Reduced course load and extended time to complete degree requirements
Extensions for specific assignments
Weekly meetings with an accessibility counselor
Specific classroom seating
Specific housing arrangements
American Sign Language interpreters/translators
Particular types of desks and other furniture
More detailed syllabi to facilitate advanced planning of breaks, assignments, and test preparation
Choice of test format (multiple choice, true/false, essay) or awareness of format in advance
Open book or open note tests
Tests and directions read out loud, or read and repeated
Study guides or previews provided prior to tests
Calculator or laptop access
Extra credit options
Pacing for long-term projects
Previews of testing procedures
Simplified test wording, rephrased test questions and/or directions
Alternate ways to evaluate (e.g. projects or oral presentations instead of written tests)
Auxiliary aids and services can take many forms, depending on the individual student’s needs:
Qualified interpreters, or other aural delivery of materials for individuals with hearing impairments
Note takers
Qualified readers for in-class texts or exams
Assistive technology
Digitally recorded texts or other effective methods of making visual materials available to individuals with visual impairments or learning disabilities
Class materials in alternative formats (e.g. texts in braille, recorded, or as digital files)
Acquisition or modification of equipment or devices