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Graduation Chart

When a young adult completes high school they will be awarded with a diploma and/or a credential. A diploma and/or a credential will be used to pursue post high school opportunities and goals.


Regents Diploma

22 credits AND

  • 65 Pass on 4 Regents Exams (1 ELA, 1Math, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies) & either additional course(s) with approved exam in Math, Science, Social Studies, CTE, LOTE, or Arts, OR attainment of CDOS Credential

  • Appeals of scores of 60-64 for all students (1 appeal= Regents Diploma; 2 appeals = Local)

Local Diploma via Safety
Net for SWDs

22 Credits AND

  • Low Pass 55-63 on Regents exams

  • Appeals of scores of 52-54 for SWDs

  • Compensatory Option

    • Student may score 45-54 on one or more of the required exams (excluding ELA and Math) if they compensate with scores 65 or higher on other exams AND meet district attendance and course requirements (get course credit)

    • English and math scores must be 55 or higher

  • Superintendent Determination

    • Upon written request by parent, student with an IEP may score below 55 on Regent’s exam(s) and be awarded a local diploma, if the school’s Superintendent determines the student has
      otherwise demonstrated proficiency in the subject area by completing designated process and documentation. FI score below 55 in ELA or Math, student must have earned a CDOS Credential.

  • High School Equivalency Diploma

    • Pass TASC or NEDP exam Or Complete 24 college credits

(NOT High School Diplomas)

Career Development & Occupational Studies Commencement Credential
For ALL STUDENTS (effective March 2016)


  • Provided in conjunction with diploma

  • Sole exiting credential for some students with disabilities. Students must be provided appropriate opportunities to earn diploma


  • Career Plan completed annually

  • Minimum 2 units (216 hours) of study in CTE coursework, including at least 54 hours of Work-Based Learning

  • Completion of Employability Profile



  • Attainment of a nationally recognized work readiness credential

Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential


  • NYSAA eligible and assessed students

  • Attended 12 years excluding K, or end of year attains age 21

  • CDOS learning standards instruction including community and work-based learning

  • Accompanied by designated comprehensive Student

    (Tip Sheet Updated August 2019)

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